Vinca's in the holiday mood! Wha...? Okay, so this is the deal, I am Vinca; my alter- ego: Polly Peirce. And Vinca’s a big fat liar! I am not in the holiday mood, so what?! Who cares?
That feels so much better! I have spat it out for all (?) to hear and now everyone knows that I am definitely not in the holiday mood! Why? Well, I suppose it could be referred to as 'a series of unfortunate events'...
I am feeling useless at the moment. Christmas is just around the corner and BJK is coming to stay! So what's the big deal then? Don't we live in a slum; like the slobs for the rest of the year round? Well, yes; but I don’t like it!
A typical example of this is how two years ago I decided to decorate the sitting room. An ominous task, requiring the whole room to be dry-lined before anything else could be considered. LB's bedroom was converted into a temporary sitting room, so the boys had to share. They were moved in together into a bedroom measuring 12' x 12'.
Not much has changed since than except that the boys have grown, DG moved in and our possessions grow by the day. As each day passed the house became less tidy; the big sitting room turned into my laundry room.
Unable to finish the job; due to my ailing health and lack of money, or time on DG’s part, the sofa is raised on a one foot plinth consisting of dry-wall sheeting. Yeah, I know; odd isn't the word!
The two matching arm chairs belonging to the three piece suit, sit alongside the green nineteen sixties armchair which belonged to the boys late great-grandfather and a wooden rocking chair belonging to my late father!
The twelve foot by three and a half foot deep shop counter; acquired at a closing down sale was a bargain at €400.00. It has housed many of our bits and pieces, and is presently little more than a junk collector. At least one of the two twenty inch Mitsubishi TVs will have to be re-housed; the silver limited edition PlayStation 2 can stay!
I also have a lovely pine dresser, won at a charity auction for a mere €50.00! I sat it out for seven hours, and was thrilled to discover that I had no serious competition! It’s gracing my bedroom at the moment, but it doesn’t belong there, nor does the pine bookcase belong in the hall.
Meanwhile, I was up bright and early this morning; only to discover that neither boy is fit to attend school today. Being the nice kind Mum that I am, I decided to leave them where they lay. At this stage I had already partially dressed LB & coaxed BB into taking some pain relief; he's got growing pains in his spine at the moment & can barely walk.
I tuned into Internet radio on the PC and got started; finishing off my famously finished at Easter Christmas cards! I’m actually pleased with them, particularly as I haven’t really had anything to do with handmade Christmas cards before. Let’s face it they are so cheap to buy in the ready made mass produced variety packs.
Maybe it was the two Christmas mince pies I had with my mid-morning coffee that did it, but now I have a cunning plan and I intend to follow it through, despite my frail and aching body with its limited energy supply… Hee, hee, hee! I really do feel so much better now, and yes I am getting into the Festive Mood after all!
All the Best!
Polly x
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