Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Polly Laughs At Truth In Jest...

Now then, now then, now then...

A famous comedian used to say that at the beginning of his act. That was a long time ago and one of the symptoms of my Fibromyalgia/CFS is poor memory, which means that I have forgotten who it was that uttered those immortal words!

Anyway, the matter in hand...

A while ago I made an announcement, or rather I alluded to the fact that I was going to make an announcement. Now that February 29th has passed, I am now at liberty to announce that I didn't ask DG to marry me, not even in jest! As my Grandmother would have said "...there's many a true word uttered in jest!"

We celebrated the evening with a cup of cappucino and a muffin; our regular Friday evening date. He on his way home from work and me whiling the hours away. When we had finished our massimo coffees I dragged DG past the jewellers window, glancing furtively at the beautiful white stones on display. We even went back to look in the window, admiring the clarity of the teardrop's and daisy's, in preference to the common or garden solitaires.

Why spoil something which is already good? I gave him a kiss goodbye and left him alone, neither of us needs marriage just at the moment and my ruse didn't seem appropriate. He went off home and I went to the craft shop to waste yet more money on stash that I don't need. Actually I had a voucher for €9.00, so at least this time my visit didn't cost me a penny...

Later that evening, LB and I stopped off at the local corner shop. Thankfully it was still open, as each of us was dying of thirst. He for water and me for a nice fruity tempranillo. DG and I celebrated Leap Day together, well into the night and each emerged unscathed. No doubt there will be plenty of men out there who weren't quite so fortunate, and good luck to them but for us the time simply hasn't come yet.

My Mom seems to have develloped a strange case of dermatitis sprinkled liberally over several sites on her body. This has been going on for some time now and clutching at straws for relief from the incessant itching she grabbed onto a snippet of information I gave her and held onto it for dear life. This entailed ringing my friend Eda (whose wedding stationary I did) and enquiring about her skin condition, which is stress reactive and very active at the moment; with the run up to the wedding and everything.

Today I called into Eda, to collect the required information and was greeted with

"Are you psychic or what?"

Slightly alarmed by this, I braved the issue(?) and asked what the problem was. It seems that she and her fiance have run out of invitations prematurely and require a further twenty cards! Ooops! I had made up a run of 58 cards as requested; but in the meantime they had added at least another eighteen to the list... Isn't that just what she needed to hear?

"No problem" says I "just give me a few days to get the cards in and you'll have them as soon as possible. In fact consider it done and don't waste another moment thinking about it!"

May God forgive me! I knew I should have ordered more of those infernal lavender lustre cards, and the original order included a few extra's thrown in for nothing anyway, and so on and so forth...! The postage on the original order cost £16.00 alone! Still, at least I know now where to get hold of more, in a hurry, so I'd best get cracking...!

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