Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cinamon Buns (cooking time: approx 30 mins)

2 eggs
7 oz flour
3 oz vanilla sugar
4 oz butter
1/2 cup of milk
1 tsp baking powder
3 tsp cinamon

Pre-heat oven to GM5.
Combine sugar and butter in bowl, cream until light & fluffy.
Beat eggs lightly; add milk (and 1 tsp vanilla essence - in absence of vanilla sugar).
Gradually add sifted flour, baking powder & cinamon ; alternating with beaten egg/milk to creamed sugar/butter mix.
When all ingredients evenly combined divide equally between 10 of the twelve cups, lined with paper cases, on your bun tray.

Place in pre-heated oven for approximately 30 minutes.
While waiting patiently clear up the mess you have made!
Ideally these bun's should be allowed to cool on a wire baking tray; however they taste remarkably good while still hot! Perhaps with a little custard or homemade vanilla icecream.

BJK was asked to try these buns a little later in the day and honestly recommends that they are not eaten cold!
We'll ask the other two boys in our family to taste-test and post the results later! See below.

It is possible that the cinammon flavour was a little strong due to the fact that it was recently purchased and originated from our local pakistani spice shop rather than the pretty little jars available in supermarkets. Also, I think that this batch was slightly over whipped/beaten to death; resulting in a slightly heavy consistency when cold.

Marks out of 10
BJK: 7 1/2 = 9(flavour) + (- )2 1/2 (consistancy!) = 7 1/2 - cold
PP: 10 = 4(flavour) + 2(consistency) + 4(effort) = 10 hot

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