Friday, November 16, 2007

Help; I need somebody...

Well; what a day today has been! To some extent I would say that it defies logic...

First of all, after a couple of well deserved glasses of rather too well oaked Chardonnay for my taste (Hardy's if I am to be precise), I slept for what seemed like an age. At 6.40am I could hear the persistant buzzing of my very new age Body-clock; it's sunrise heralding the new day. So, what did I do?

Yes, you've guessed; I turned right over and went back to sleep! I continued with my temporary hibernation until well after 7.30am when my unfamiliar new alarm tones rang out from somewhere behind the doorway leading to the hall. Throw caution to the wind, I just don't care...

Despite our lack of interest in the new day LB & I did pretty well, time wise; I dropped him off just before the school bell rang. I arrived in plenty of time for my 10.00 o'clock appointment; so much so I had ample time to open my mail while I waited. As usual there wasn't anything of great interest; junk mail, a circular from the local cash & carry and an invoice for the school transport which is payable by November 30; or else! My life is just so exciting...

Luckily I was able to return home by 11.30am, giving me the rest of the day to catch up with the numerous tasks I had imagined myself doing. It was just such an opportunity to make some headway in the many areas which I have been neglecting recently.

BB had stayed nestled in his cosy bed this morning, but got a bit lonely during my absence, so he was pleased to see me. He's been a bit off colour recently, but hopefully is now very much on the mend; especially considering that he is supposed to be competing in an orienteering competition tomorrow. He will be so disappointed if he can't go.

First order of the day was for me to defrost. Winter has definitely arrived and temperatures are lower than they have been recently, with leaves falling all around us in the various different shades of Autumn. It's been a funny year; weather wise.

In March and April we were rejoicing in an early Summer, Winter rains struck in June and lasted all the way through to September with little respite and then it got warm again right up until about a week ago. By my reckoning we'll be celebrating Christmas with a barbie on the beach before much longer!

Needless to say I had to deal with a mountain of electronic mail this afternoon. As a result of my efforts earlier this week, things do appear to be progressing a bit quicker now, maybe I won't have to buy more memory after all. It is a shame that while the PC is moving quicker, I don't appear to be making quite the same progress.

Many hours later, having browsed through a number of sites, BB announced that he wanted to have a go at making his own blog. Well that is all very well, except for the fact that this obviously has to be done under supervision; my supervision. What a shame it took so long to configure everything, it's dark now and we've only just lit the fire; well about an hour and a half ago!

You know, it is true what they say about children these days; they are light years ahead of us in terms of familiarity with modern technology. After a few months of regular blogging on more than one site, being pretty proud of myself; ie what I have learned to date; it takes one kid on his first visit to show me how to do the most basic of customisations!

It took BB, who is all of thirteen about 5 seconds to show me how to change the fonts and colours on my blog template. Okay, I had to do mostly everything else for him, but that really does not make me feel any better, really! Arghhh...!

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