I wrote this a few days ago and forgot to publish it. I guess this is what happens when you're chasing your tail; trying to do a hundred and one things at the same time...
A few days ago I was routing through my iGoogle homepage; giving it a general tidy-up or spring clean. I don't use my Internet Explorer Browser that often any more; so it pays to pop in every now and again, just in case I miss anything. Being a busy bunny, or a lazy girl, I haven't bothered to transfer some of my stuff to Mozilla FireFox yet; so it would be very easy to miss out on some of the very good stuff coming through on my RSS reader or the iGoogle subscription service.The two valentines mentioned in the title are referring to the memory of the small child saying "Mummy, when will I have heart's like yours?" That little girl was me and in my childish innocence the hearts were not those of St Valentine; rather my mothers breasts, which brings me quite nicely to a subject close to my heart; that of Breast Cancer.
I discovered a fabulous site for all women, entitled Two Tits And A Vote. It was recommended by Gingerpixel, whose photograph's are enthralling at the best of times. Anyway, in light of recent developements in the lives of my friends and the locality generally, I was moved to sign the petition for better breast care and even to make a donation. Regrettably the donation was smaller than I would have liked, but anything is better than nothing at all...
So, for anybody with a vested interest (excuse the somewhat old fashioned pun) I would thoroughly recommend that they check this site; Two Tits And A Vote out and sign the petition which is to be presented to Mary Harney, the Minister for Health, early next month.
As the saying goes; "...if you're not in, you can't win!" and this is a huge issue in Ireland, especially as neglect in this important area, which affects the male of the species also, has lead to disasterous consequences in the recent past. You never know; we might actually make a difference...
Sabrina Dent, the organiser of the site puts it very simply and effectively when she says:
"you've got two tits and a vote
Women's voices count in politics. Two Tits and a Vote is an online Irish Women's Health Campaign empowering you to advocate for better women's healthcare in Ireland. You can be part of improving Irish women's health care from the comfort of your very own chair. Learn how to take part now!
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