Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ghostly Prank Shakes Ass

After the somewhat serious content of the last two days posting's here's a little gem I found on a mutual friends blog. I spotted it and thought "Yeah, right...", but as the video went on it raised a titter or two.

You've got to hand it to these folks; they've made a good job of entertaining their guests with their first dance.

The relevence to this blog? Hey; they've got to be Scouter's & I also make Wedding Stationary. Remember the Motto: Be Prepared!

Anyway, good luck to them both; I hope that this heralds the start of many happy years together. If nothing else they'll never be short of a dance partner...

Polly Peirce

Purveyor of Fine Hand-Made Irish Greeting Cards & Wedding Stationary


carolyn said...

Hello again! Re. macro I'm just using the function on the camera. It's all part of a personal challenge started by Karin at Orange Flowers, there is a link on the post, a macro photograph a day either on your blog or over at Flikr. I started half way through and it's still not too late to join in if you want too.

Polly Pierce said...

Cheers for that Carolyn, it really is a lovely picture. Well done! I'll check out the link too...

Anonymous said...

I love this! What a surprise for the guests...I enjoyed visiting your blog Polly and your website is wonderful...The best of luck with it...cheers...Pam

Polly Pierce said...

Thank you Pam, you've made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!