Monday, September 8, 2008

Polly Filing

Being an ever so good mother I started early enough to take BB down to the catch the school bus from the village; at this time I was fully attired and ready to go. I had already succeeding in making his two rounds of sandwiches, organised breakfast and even had time to play with my new JML kitchen gadget...

This saved me making up lunch for LB! The big fella had left his on the window sill. LB was his utterly grumpy morning self; though he woke easily and needed little persuasion to dress himself today. His famous school bag was found easily and shoes retrieved gleefully without a panic; oh what joy!

Today was the grand opening up my very own web store at Vinca Cards. I had been contacted by who very generously offered me an advertising package that only the insane would refuse. It makes sense to combine the two ventures and make the best of the opportunity; doesn't it?

As Vinca Cards runs on a tight budget it had to be a spectacular offer to
tempt me. As you may imagine things have been a bit tense here lately, there has been a lot of uploading, planning and revisions to get it off the ground.The one thing that has frustrated this process dramatically is the speed of uploading photo's which has been infernally slow. It's the watched pot syndrome!

However; am pleased to announce that I am now up to date with my filing. Not only have things sped up a bit; but I can find them too now. Just take a look at how tidy everything is in the screenshot above (click it to enlarge the image) ...

I'm off to bed before I fall asleep on the keyboard now!

Polly Pierce
Hand Made Card Maker

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