Friday, November 23, 2007

Managing School Backpacks!

Do you remember last months incident concerning BB, his school bag and the badly bruised ribs?

For anyone out there who shares my concerns about the enormous amount of weight their kids are carrying to & from school I think you might find this article interesting:

Reprint of Monthly column published in NJ Life & Leisure, September 2006
This month we have a great question from one of ourNeat Living readers!

Dear Ariane,
I have a son in 7th grade whose school backpack seems to be a bottomless pit! It’s so full of stuff, he can't ever seem to find anything in it! What can wedo to help him manage his backpack better?
Linda S., Bloomfield

What a great question, Linda! Kids backpacks can easily become a dumping ground. One of the most common issues I’ve seen with kids and backpacks is that they use their backpacks as storage! The best use of a backpack is to transport items. Sometimes just helping your child define a clear purpose for his backpack makes a huge difference. Other times, the real reason kids “store” items in their backpacks, is that they don’t have anyplace else to put them! So that means to fix the backpack issue, we need to set up a system that integrates with his locker and home-study area. When home and school both have places to store his things, then he can easily clean out his backpack regularly and carry only what he really needs for the day...

If you would like to read the rest of this useful article please click here.
It was pointed out to me that this is rather lengthy despite its relevence; therefore I have decided to edit and condense!

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