This is just a quick note for anyone out there who might have an interest in designing their own blog or website. From time to time I receive e-mails from a number of people who are very well known in the blogging industry; in which they give me valuable information on what to do and what not to do if I want my blog to be a success.
I have to admit that I am at times verging on what Rick Shefren calls Attention Deficit. This isn't a new phenomenon, rather a new but highly appropriate term for what used to be called Sensory Overload. In this instance it occurs because of an overwhelming amount of information being delivered to my cyber door on a daily basis. I have however taken steps to prevent this from happening, ie I consigned some of it to the trash & spam cans!
One guy who has been particularly helpful is Yaro Stark. Thanks to him I was able to download a great program which allows you to view your site/blog as others might; thus saving the time and trouble of task allocated testing. TAT is when you get your neighbour, mum or mum's dog to sit down and navigate your page with a specific task in mind, ie find the contact page, etc; while this is undoubtedly worthwhile it is time consuming and can be costly depending on how many bottles of wine are required for this service! have produced this wonderful software program to do this all for you, relying on technologically sound principals which highlight the way the human brain interprets what it sees. Without Yaro Stark, I wouldn't ever have discovered this peice of equipment so I just wanted to say thanks for the tip! And of course thanks to StomperNet for their Christmas pressie...
Meanwhile, I would ask that you be patient with me as I try out different things on this blog, depending on the help I am getting from my various cyber-mentor's.
Thanks a thousand!
Polly Peirce x
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