Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tridentine Polly?

Now this is just a quick note; because I'm not in the mood for blogging today and I have a hundred and one things to catch up on in my other life. I just want to bring your attention to two new blogs; because I was asked to. I received a very nice request from The Convenor ; on my other blog Vinca's-In-Tha-Kitchen! asking if I would give a little publicity to two new blogs, my initial response was very much a case of "...not before I've had a good look at them Mate!" I mean; these days you really don't know what you're letting yourself in for, do you?

Anyway, I did exactly that; ie I checked them out and was very surprised with the result. Suffice to say that these appear to be entirely honourable and respectable blogs; although I will leave you to make up your own minds about their content. A word of warning; this is not exactly what you might expect from Vinca's-In-Tha-Kitchen! Check 'em out and let me know what you think; I am especially curious as to why I was contacted, considering the nature of the blog!

FSSP Vocations Scotland and Ireland
Traditional Vocations blog

While you're at it, why not check out The Convenor's own blog at this link too.

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Many years ago an English friend of mine married an Italian girl. Neither of their families spoke the other one's language so they decided to have the ceremony in Latin. Worked a treat!

More recently I had to attend a funeral out here in France and was surprised to hear the service in Latin. It was a case of follow the leader as I had no idea what was going on (apart from the obvious.

Polly Pierce said...

My Dad was a hearty exponant of the Latin Mass. I'm pretty sure he would have approved my promoting their their blogs!